I decided to make my zine about certain events that occurred in my life throughout the past few years. With these events I paired a song that was either special to me or reminded me of that time. I began my process researching zines and trying to see how I could implement my theme across 14 pages of art. Using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator was difficult for me in the beginning, so I had to watch a few tutorials to learn how to use the techniques necessary to convey what I wanted to put on the pages. I ended up really enjoying the process even though it was frustrating at times. I think that I conveyed my message well and am happy with how it turned out. I will definitely continue to use the platforms and skills I learned throughout my life outside of class. I really liked how I used personal messages and images throughout the project. One of my favorite parts was seeing some underlying messages I used be brought up during critiques as well as subtle clues I didn't even realize were there until the critiques were made.
My Soundtrack Zine
Updated: Oct 3, 2023