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Pink Sugar
Writer's pictureEmma Petrache

Brainstorm Blog #1

I had never heard of a zine until taking this course, so my first step was to try to understand the concept and idea of a zine. After watching the class videos, seeing the examples, and doing a little research of my own, I started to see the idea yet still have no clue what to make my zine about. I really loved the examples that were shown in class that had made the physical copy of their zine into something that went along with their theme. An example of this that really stuck out to me was the zine shaped like a phone. I think this one stood out because I have always been really interested in social media and how it affects the mind. As a psychology student, this concept comes up in my everyday discussions. It also affects almost every person I know. I thought that maybe I could maybe make a zine about social media and its ties to anxiety, depression, or loneliness. But also portray how addictive it is and the dopamine triggers one gets from notifications, likes, etc. I am still thinking about what images I will be incorporating, and may have to look for more inspiration since I am new to zines. To use the idea of making the physical book's outline part of the zine I was thinking it could look like an instagram post where each page is a different post with a different deeper meaning. I think once I start, ideas will start to flow in and build off of each other.

Art by Frank Ramspott

- An idea of the message I want to portray

- Rough layout idea for zine.

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